Columbus, OH
Body and Soul
From the album: Live At The Crescendo Solos 1937 & Classic Piano Solos The V-Discs Masterpieces 1938-1939 Body and Soul Standards Gene Norman Presents Art Tatum at the Piano The Tatum Group Masterpieces, Volume 4 The Complete Pablo Group Masterpieces The Complete Pablo Solo Masterpieces The Standard Sessions: 1935-1943 Transcriptions The Art Tatum Solo Masterpieces, Volume 1 California Melodies The Art of Tatum 20th Century Piano Genius Art Tatum - The Standard Sessions The Quintessence: New York – Los Angeles 1933–1945 God Is in the House: Original 1940-41 Recordings The Chronological Classics: Art Tatum 1945-1947 Ultimate Art Tatum Virtuous The Complete Jazz Chronicle Solo Sessions + Midnite Jazz & Blues: Sweet Lorraine Swings Hall of Fame Art Tatum Live 1934-44, Volume 1 Art Tatum Live 1944-45, Volume 2 Piano Grand Master The Best of the Complete Pablo Solo Masterpieces Complete Pablo Solo Masterpieces (1953-1955) Art Tatum Live 1951 - Volume 5 Jazz Ballads 18: Art Tatum Art Tatum Live 1953-55, Volume 7 Art Tatum Live 1951-53, Volume 6 The Discovery of Jazz Stormy Weather The Chronological Classics: Art Tatum 1949-1953 Tatum Art: Art Tatum Live Performances 1934-1956 Performance: Solo Piano Recordings From 1933 to 1952 Body and Soul Nine Classic Albums Jewels In The Treasure Box (The 1953 Chicago Blue Note Jazz Club Recordings) Art Tatum solo masterpieces Part 1 Body and Soul / Lover Great Jazz Legends Great Jazz Legends World of Jazz: The Jazz Piano The Original Jazz Masters Series, Volume 1 New York Anni '40: Thelonious Monk, Art Tatum & Bud Powell Stardust Melodies: The Best of the All-Time Great Piano Stars Jazz Piano Jazz Seen Great Jazz Giants: Smooth Jazz, Volume 4

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