Columbus, OH
Gory Head Stump live
From the album:
Live Sprinkles Live From The Boombox Chicken Ornaments Live Laboratory Live Torment of The Metals Live Chicken Weathervane Live Balneum Marie Live Pumpkins Live Pumpkin Carving Live Wax Museum Woodcuts Live Rays Of Mercury Live Chymic Choir Live At The Rainbow Waterfalls Pavilion Live Now Open Jello Guillotine Live From Octagonal Fountains Live Hollow Harbor I’d Like A Dinghy If You Please Live From The Lord Summerisle Residence Live Pumpkin Ghosts Live Bare Skeleton Live Alloy Mill Live Chlorophyll Maze Live 10,000 Foot Balloons Live From The Cuckoo Twins Estate Private Party Live Upon The Beam of Andromeda Live Air Thresholds Live Bateman Ax Moonwalk With a 9:00 Res at Dorsia Live The Fish And Goose Soiree Live The Gold Room With Late Set At The Hedge Maze Live Impaled On The Strings Live From The Inner Laboratory Live From The Silver Shamrock Mask Factory Live SSHHHRRREEIIKK!!! Live From Jaw Drop Live From Lake Myojin Live From Dai Majin Mountain Live Watch Your Head As You Attach It Live Ooze Your Orbs Live From Balloon Head Bowery Live From The Giant Octopus Live Show Live From Tsuburaya's Live From Stair Ladder Lane Live From Pythagoras Tone Coaster Live From Crayon Cruise Live From Caves of Zero Live From Kyoto Ghostlands Live From The Disembodied Music Box Live Mercury Spirals Live From Cutoff Head Basketball Tryouts Live From The Sea Of The Wise Book Store Live From Head Basket Drop Live From Arms And Legs Island Live From The Wonder Fountains Live Disembodied Sing Along Live Geometry Dreaming Live Auditive Mirror Land Live from Nunchuku Emporium East Live from Nunchuku Emporium West Live from Hand of Hades Roller Coaster Live Jump over the Disembodied Faces Live from Dessert Shack Skeleton Sundaes Live from Curiosity Corner Live From Gilding The White Egg Live from Clown Cloud Projections Festival Live from Madame Umbrella Fortune Teller Live from the Atrium of Vessels 1 Live from the Atrium of Vessels 3 Live from the Atrium of Vessels 6 Live from Marbles Museum Live from Patchwork Mansion Live from Kairos Coaster Live from the Caringcells Live from Rainbow Dream Catcher Live from Slow Motion Speedway Live from Salt Air Bowling Vessels Live Surrounded By Infinity Boardwalk Live From The Cake Factory

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